PVC Folies
What is a Decal?
At BowlingShopEurope.eu our decals are all vector images that are die cut into colored rolls of vinyl. The decals are usually one color and have no background color. The background is cut away leaving your object to take that place. Each decal consists of three layers: the top layer (Transfer Tape) the middle layer (Vinyl Media) and the bottom layer (Wax Paper Backing). The Transfer Tape top layer allows you to grab the Vinyl Media and apply it to your Door, Wall, Car, Boat or wherever it might be. Once you squeegee it down into place, you can then remove the transfer tape leaving you with a perfect decal. Custom decals are available on request please email us direct [email protected]
What is a sticker?
BowlingShopEurope.eu stickers can be a sticker of an image you found online to a image you have saved on an old camera. Our Stickers are printed on vinyl media that can get wet and take the abuse paper stickers can't hold up to. We can produce stickers that are unlike most traditional stickers that are only available in Circles, Rectangles, and Squares. If you need any custom work done we are here to help! email us [email protected].
What is the best way to apply a decal?
The best way to apply a decal is using a squeegee. Take the decal and lay it on a flat surface and squeegee it so the top layer adheres again to the decal itself. Then pull the transfer tape back slowly at a 45 degree angle. Once the decal is off the wax paper it can be applied to almost any surface depending on the media chosen.
What is the best temperature to apply decals?
Decals can last in any climate but they must be applied at about 21°C. They can be applied any time really but this is what is recommended.
Do the decals have a background?
All of the decals are die cut and one color. They are not outlined and they do not have a background the background becomes the color of the object you apply the decal to. The most common color is white because most windows have a little tint. Once applied the decal appears white and black when the black is really your window.
What should I use for my application car or wall material?
You should use a Squeegee they are a must have to push out the bubbles and have a smooth application.
How do I make the decal face the other direction?
To make the decal face the other direction order it in reversed/mirror.
How do I apply a decal from the inside of my car to face outside correctly?
To apply a decal from the inside of your car window to face it outside correctly just order it in reversed/mirror.
Will my windshield wipers affect the decals?
They will not, they will slide right over the decals.
I want a smaller decal than what is offered can you do that?
Some decals we can do it some decals we can't. Most we can though just send us an email at [email protected] with the exact item number and we will let you know.
How do I remove the decals?
The Car decals are permanent decals but don't let that scare you they come off really easy you just need to know what to do. The best way is to use a hair dryer or heat gun and the decals turn to butter and come right off. If you are removing the decals from glass, the method that is preferred and WONT SCRATCH YOUR GLASS is to use a razor blade, and scrape with the flat edge of the blade(don't cut into the glass with the sharp side. Using both methods together is the easiest way to remove decals from glass.
The Wall Decals on the other hand are removable so they come off just by peeling a corner. No blades required, but a heat gun or blow dryer helps.
I want to add custom text to a decal ho w can I do that?
If you want custom text, its free of charge on most items. Just leave a note during checkout with the text you want and if you have a font in mind leave that two. We prefer solid fonts not things that are too crazy but just in case please leave three fonts you would like with the favorite one first.
When will my decal arrive?
The decals are usually processed within 3-5 days and shipping depends on the destination. With holidays it could be little longer.
If my decal came bent is it ruined?
First off the decal shouldn't come bent but if it does you are still in luck. The decal itself isn't what is bent it is the paper below the vinyl that is. The vinyl is very flexible so it will apply and you won't even notice anything. Just be sure you have a squeegee for application and just follow the instructions as always.
I want a custom decal how much more are custom decals?
Custom decals cost the same as normal decals just email us your image and we will let you know if we can do it then we will send you a custom invoice. [email protected].
What is the difference between a decal and a sticker?
A decal is cut from a single color of vinyl and all areas in the image that are the color of the surface it is shown on, will be cut out and will show the color of the surface that you apply it to. Stickers are printed on white vinyl with the design of your choice. The image on the sticker will turn out exactly like the image you sent to us if it is in vector format. JPEG files have size limitations due to pixilation.
What type of file is required for a custom decal or sticker?
We require that your files be in vector format. These file types are: AI, EPS, and Vector PDF. High Resolution JPEGs may be accepted in some cases.
I want a custom decal. How much more are custom decals and stickers?
It all depends on the amount of work that is required to create your custom decal or sticker. In some cases there may be no additional charge. On some custom orders there will be a design fee that is dictated by the amount of estimated design time required.
How do I order a custom decal or sticker?
Please contact us by mail: [email protected]
What is a Vector image?
A vector image is an image that is saved in a specific format so that the layers of the image can be modified.
What can I not apply my decal or sticker to?
Surfaces that we recommend not applying decals and stickers to are but not limited to: fibrous cloth, rough grain-unpolished wood or surfaces with a powdery or dusty film.
There are bubbles in my decal / sticker. What do I do?
Bubbles are a result of not using the proper tools during installation and can also be a result of your surface being too hot when you applied the decal. Removing bubbles from your decal or sticker is simple as long as the bubble is less than 1cm, and you have the proper tool (needle). Just simply poke a tiny hole and gently work out the bubble using your finger. Be careful not to crease the vinyl as you're working out the bubble.
The edges of my decal are coming up. What do I do?
This should only occur when applying wall decals to highly textured walls or surfaces. Generally you should need only use your fingers to work the decal into the crevices of the surface. If need be you can use a tiny bit of glue stick to keep that area down. If you are planning on making your decal or sticker.
I ripped a word while applying my quote. Do I have to buy a new one?
As long as the word you lost is not attached to the main part of your decal, the word or part of a word can be easily replaced at little or no cost to you.
What is the LENGTH when I order my decal or sticker?
Length refers to the longest side of your decal. For example: If you order a rectangle, your length will be the longest side of the rectangle, and the short sides will be whatever size your decal scales out to be in order to retain the proper aspect ratio. A square image would be the same length on all sides, and circle lengths are the diameter.
I am ordering internationally. What do I do if my country is not listed?
Please contact our sales team at [email protected], and we will be able to provide the proper shipping method and cost for you.
Where do I go to find a custom font?
Please go to DaFont.com and choose from any of their free to download fonts. (Please keep in mind that some fonts may be too detailed to use with the size you requested)
What kind of fonts should I avoid?
Avoid using fonts that have too many sharp points, severe pitting, or fuzzy edges. These can be too hard for our machines to cut, and tend to be too time consuming, and are not cost effective. Some fonts can be modified to work for your decal, but require an additional design fee.
I am looking to order decals for my sports team. Are there discounts on bulk orders?
Please contact our sales department at: [email protected] with your wholesale information and one of our representatives will contact you as soon as possible.
When will my order be processed and shipped?
Orders are received 24 hours a day, but are only processed during our normal business hours. Orders received between Friday and Sunday evening will be processed on Monday. Please allow 3-5 days for production depending on the size of your order, and the detail involved. Orders will be shipped out as soon as production is complete.
Instructies voor het plakken van stickers
Een stofvrije doek en wat zeepsop om de ondergrond schoon en vetvrij te maken
Schilderstape (bijvoorbeeld van TESA)
Een Schone droge doek of een bankpas om de sticker aan te drukken
Een speld.

1) Maak de ondergrond goed schoon en vetvrij.

2) Maak de sticker aan de achterzijde schoon en breng hem aan op de juiste positie. Plak de sticker links en rechts vast met schilderstape.

3) Als de sticker op de juiste plaats zit, plakt u de sticker over de gehele breedte aan de bovenkant met schilderstape vast. Verwijder de twee stukjes tape aan de zijkanten.

4) Klap de sticker om naar boven en verwijder het rugvel aan de achterzijde. Maak eventueel de ondergrond nogmaals stofvrij. Bij grote stickers kunt u ook eerst een helft van het rugvel weghalen en daarna pas de andere kant.

5) Klap de sticker voorzichtig terug, maar plak hem nog niet vast. Laat de sticker niet op de ondergrond vallen! Wrijf met de hand, een doek of bankpas (let op braampjes!) de sticker stevig vast. Begin in het midden van boven naar beneden te wrijven. Wrijf vervolgens vanuit het midden de linker- en rechterkant vast.

6) Verwijder de applicatiefolie van de sticker. Let goed op dat de letters niet meekomen met de folie. Mocht dit toch gebeuren, plak de folie dan voorzichtig een stukje terug en wrijf de sticker nogmaals goed aan. Laat eventueel de sticker een tijdje zitten om de lijm de kans te geven goed te hechten.

7) Eventuele luchtbelletjes kunt u met een speld doorprikken en weg wrijven. Na enkele dagen is de sticker goed aan de ondergrond gehecht.
Let op: Plak niet onder een temperatuur van 10 graden Celcius